The amount of rent paid depends on what is agreed on between your landlord and you. It may include various things such as parking, electricity and cable.
Pertaining to future rent increases, they usually are set after a year, with 90 days’ written notice. Your government is responsible to set a “guideline” percentage that your landlord is to respect if your place is covered by it. If not, your landlord may be entitled to increase the rent however much they want.
Often, the signed rental agreement is set for a certain period of time, called a “fixed-term lease.” Commonly, this is set for a year, but it could be for almost any length of time.
Once the lease has expired, the tenant may move out, renew the lease for another term, or simply continue the tenancy on a month-to-month basis. The latter option entails no action on the tenant’s part - you automatically become a month-to-month tenant.